Aeronautics, Space and Defense
Inside composite material measurements
Aeronautic and aerospace industries use more and more composite materials.
FBG sensors technology is often used for SHM of FRP composites. Recent advances in FBG sensor technologies have provided great opportunities to develop more sophisticated in situ SHM systems. Moreover the ability to embed inside FRP composites in between different layers provides the closer look upon defects.

Intrinsic property of FBG sensors
The attractive properties such as the small size, immunity to electromagnetic fields, and multiplexing ability are some of the advantages of FBG sensors. The lifetime of the FBG sensor is well above the lifetime of the FRP structures, and also the sensor provides the measurement of multiple parameters such as load/strain, vibration, and temperature.

Temperature measurement up to 800°C on reactor nacelles
Fiber optics and FBG systems can be used to measure temperatures up to 800°C in very demanding environments, such as in-flight tests.
Detection of overloading or abnormal stresses
Bragg gratings and semi-distributed fibers can be used for weighing and monitoring the weight distribution of cargo during loading in aircraft bays.