01 Chemical industry
Refinery structural integrity monitoring
Reactor instrumentation - preventive maintenance cases
It is important to know more precisely the real mechanical stresses in ATEX zones.
For this purpose, the Bragg grating measurement systems allow to visualize and analyze :
- The real mechanical stresses and strains
- The homogeneity of the solicitation on the structures as well as the extreme loadings
- The number of cycles

02 Green energy
Wind turbine monitoring
Many applications are opening up for Bragg grating measurements in the new energy sector:
- On the blades: Detection of ice, Control of imbalance, Detection of defects, Measurement of forces, Detection of impacts and lightning
- On the masts: Control of cracks on the concrete masts, Control of the tightening of the elements of fixings, Follow-up of the constraints on the metal masts
- Detection of hot spots (generator windings, disconnectors, contactors...), measurement of the oil temperature of the hydraulic circuits, monitoring of the stresses on the bearings